Princess House is the only direct sales company to offer layaway on it products. 18/10 stainless steel cookware, for new cooks and old pros. Elegance without the price tag, for your table setting, silverware, stems, entertainment set, storage set and so much more.
Our hostess get FREE credit starting at $350 and go up. They get any item in the line for 1/2 price with just one order and exclusive hostess items that change every four weeks. They also get booking rewards from anyone that books from their party.
Our consultants make a base income of 25% on every sale and can get bonuses up to 35%. Princess House offers contests and incentive trips. Our start-up fee is $75 and the kit is $199. I paid mine off after my first show. We offer online or in person training, personal website, credit card processing, get paid weekly by direct deposit in your bank account or on a card.