Capri Jasper Cover photo

Capri Jasper

Wellness Specialists
Young Living sales rep at Young Living

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Company Name
Young Living
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Young Living Company Logo by Capri Jasper in Fort Vermilion AB
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About Capri Jasper

Hi there! I am Capri Jasper, a Young Living member of an incredible close-knit team. I have been pursuing Young living once my health had started to really go downhill. I am a National Level bodybuilder and was in a car accident that had left me with a lot of health complications and the inability to hold a full time job. I was given the opportunity to use Young Living supplements to support my health. I soon noticed the support my emotional and mental side got from the oils and the reduction of body burden increased in my system the more I implemented Young Livings lifestyle-ditching and switching my makeup, personal care products, and cleaning products to Young Living (while making a side income from their business opportunity). I am now functioning at a level I knew I could get to but never had the proper support until now. I have since become passionate to help others invest in their own health and wellness journey to experience a life they were meant to live! Would you honor me and take a peak at what there is for you?