Let’s be mermaids, shall we?!
I mean, we can pretend to be anything we want. We can close our eyes and imagine as we swim with the tropical fish, lounge on the sun warmed sand while watching the sunset and then see ourselves slowly submerging back into the depths of the turquoise waters.
We can picture ourselves swooshing between the coral reefs and out swimming the dolphins in one of our nightly races. Twirling with our friend the octopus as we dance to the rhythm of the waves. We can be anything we want inside our own minds.
Annnnnd we can smell like we are all of those things in real life too.
???????????????? ???? ???????????????????????? Fragrance Mist will do just the trick!
Dewy melon and fresh green apple dive into refreshing turquoise waters.
To top off all of that greatness, let me also add that it’s on sale for UNDER SIX BUCKS!! Yup! That’s right, that’s not a misprint. Under. Six. Bucks.
Ride the ride over to my website and surf yourself up this deal before it washes away. Just look in the Clearance section under Specials.