In order for an online event to be successful, it needs an active and engaged audience. Without the participation of our invited guests, online events lose their purpose. It is not enough to have a large number of members in a group. Those members need to be interacting and participating. We want to believe that a large group will automatically mean more success, but the truth is, it doesn’t matter how many people are in an online group if no one is making the effort to connect with them. Let’s look at some tips for how to invite guests to an online event so that they feel welcomed, want to engage and are willing to participate in making connections.
Getting Ready
Every successful party requires preparation. You shouldn’t be inviting people to an event if you don’t understand what you are inviting them to. Before you start sending out those invites, make sure to have all the details ready to go. Some things to think about:
When is the event taking place?
What companies are showcasing their products in the event?
What does the event schedule look like?
What kinds of games or activities are there for guests to participate in?
By having all the information for your event prepped, you will be able to speak to it more confidently and be ready for any questions your potential guests might have. You can also personalize your invitations by showcasing the aspects of the event you think each guest would find most appealing.
Who to Invite
Now that you are ready to send out those invites, you need to start thinking about who you want to attend your event. Many of us are guilty of hitting the invite button in the Facebook group, and then waiting to see what happens. There is such an emphasis on sending out a certain amount of invites - many groups will tell you that you need to invite 20-30 guests. Following those rules, you click on 20 random names and then call it a day.
If this is the way that you are inviting guests to an event, most of your invited guests probably won’t see the invite, or they may quickly accept and then never look at the group again. Sure, you may end up with a bunch of members in the group, but when no one is reaching out and connecting with those members, their attendance is meaningless.
When you are inviting to an online market, you should be inviting with a purpose. If you haven’t taken the time to develop a relationship with your guests prior to inviting them to your event, they are not going to care about your online market and they are probably not going to be the active and engaged participants that you are looking for. Friends, family and co-workers are a great starting point - people that you have an established relationship with and are already talking to on a regular basis.
Look for your friends that you think would make good potential customers. Friends that have a history of shopping and supporting small online businesses are great people to reconnect with and invite. Factor in the companies that are participating in the event alongside you - what products or businesses do you think your friends would be interested in or benefit from?
Guests that vendors often forget to invite or overlook are their current customers. It is easy to lose touch with your customers, and an online event is a great excuse to touch base and keep your company top of mind. You can share with your customer what you will be showcasing and any new arrivals. Point out the products that you are presenting that they already use and ask them to provide a review. Get your customers to help you with creating your content by asking them what they would like to see. Help your customer stock up on new and favorite products. As an added benefit to your fellow vendors, this group of guests has already supported you in your online business, so they are likely to be open to supporting someone else if they see something that meets their wants and needs.
Potential customers or teammates are also great people to invite to an event. Look back at that life of people who have demonstrated interest in your business, but haven’t made that final commitment yet. An online event gives you the chance to showcase your business to them in a new way. Because online events have a beginning and end date, you can utilize this to give a bit of a deadline and help create a sense of urgency.
How to Invite
Sending Private Invites
There is a good chance that if you are simply hitting the invite button in your facebook group, your invites are getting missed or ignored. Reaching out with a personalized, private message is the most effective way to get a positive response. Consider a message like this:
Hey x,
I don’t know if you saw, but I am participating in an online market this week and I thought of you because [insert reason]. I would love for you to check it out! Let me know if I can send you an invite!
This method of inviting works great because it is simple, but personalized. By taking a little bit of extra time to explain to your guest why you choose to invite them, you are making your guests feel valued and showing them that they are not just a random number.
For guests who you haven’t personally invited to your event, make sure as they come into the group that you are reaching out in a private message to thank them for joining you and explaining a bit more about the event. Touching base before the event starts makes it more likely that your guests will check in with the group throughout the week.
Using Graphics to Promote your Event
Even when you are taking the time to send out personal invites, it is easy to overlook someone. This is why another great way of inviting to an online event is to share the event on your social media platforms. You never know who might be watching you and is interested in joining.
Ask your event hostess what kind of content will be available for advertising the event. In a Trading-Secrets event, your specialist will provide you with a video invite to share in your facebook story, on your personal facebook wall or in your VIP group. Use this and other graphics to gain interest and exposure.
After the Invite
Continuing to touch base and connect with your guests throughout the week is just as important as the invite. If you were inviting someone to an in-person event, you wouldn’t just ignore them once they got there, you would chat with them, check-in and make sure they were having a good time. The same rules apply to an online event.
Treat your guests in an online market the same way you would if you were taking a shopping trip with them. Keep the conversation going and point out things you think they would be interested in.
Doing a mid-week follow up is a great habit to get into. Here is a potential script that you could try out:
Hey x,
How are you enjoying the online market so far?
I will be sharing [insert business] next on [insert date and time]. I would love for you to check it out and comment on some of the posts that interest you. I would really appreciate the support! Thanks again for joining this week!
This check-in helps keep your event top of mind. When you demonstrate that you are putting the effort into the event, your guests are more likely to support you and your fellow vendors.
Final Thoughts
Inviting guests to an online event requires effort, intentionality and a personal touch. Before inviting anyone, it is crucial to have all the necessary information about the event ready and to think carefully about who to invite. Rather than inviting a large number of people without purpose, focus on inviting friends, family, current customers, potential customers, and teammates. Send private invites with personalized messages, and use graphics to promote the event on social media. Remember, the success of your online event depends on an engaged and active audience. Take the time to connect with your guests, answer their questions, and make them feel valued. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of having a successful and memorable online event!
Written By:
Jennifer Gillap