Increase Your Engagement In Online Vendor Shows With Games
Posted 01/29/2023 in #Events
Increase Your Engagement In Online Vendor Shows With Games

Online Vendor Shows are an excellent way for network marketers to showcase their products and interact with potential clients. Incorporating fun games and activities into your Facebook posts can make the experience more engaging and interactive for attendees.  We will explore 30 different Facebook interesting post games you could play in our Online Vendor Shows and your Online Parties!

1. Caption This

Post a photo of one of your products and ask attendees to caption the photo. You can offer a prize to the most creative caption.

2. Where in the World?

Post a photo of one of your products and ask attendees to guess where in the world the photo was taken. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who correctly guesses the location.

3. Ask Me Anything

Host a Q&A session with attendees and allow them to ask you anything related to your business or products.

4. Fill in the Blank

Post a sentence related to your business or products with a blank space and ask attendees to fill in the Blank with their own creative answer. You can offer a prize to the most creative answer.

5. Word Search

Create a word search puzzle with words related to your business or products and ask attendees to find all the words. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who completes the puzzle correctly.

6. Would You Rather?

Post a series of questions asking attendees to choose between two options related to your business or products. You can offer a prize to the attendee who participates the most in the game.

7. Emoji Puzzle

Create an emoji puzzle related to your business or products and ask attendees to guess the meaning of the emojis. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who guesses correctly.

8. Product Showcase

Post a photo of one of your products and ask attendees to share how they would use it in their daily lives. You can offer a prize to the most creative answer.

9. Memory Game

Post a photo of a group of your products and ask attendees to remember as many as they can. You can offer a prize to the attendee who remembers the most products.

10. Photo Challenge

Post a photo challenge related to your business or products and ask attendees to share their own photos related to the challenge. You can offer a prize to the most creative photo.

11. Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt related to your business or products and ask attendees to find all the items. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who finds all the items.

12. Alphabet Game

Post a word related to your business or products starting with each letter of the alphabet and ask attendees to do the same. You can offer a prize to the attendee who completes the alphabet first.

13. Caption Contest

Post a funny photo related to your business or products and ask attendees to come up with the funniest caption. You can offer a prize to the funniest caption.

14. DIY Challenge

Post a DIY challenge related to your products and ask attendees to share their creations. You can offer a prize to the most creative creation.

15. Tell a Story

Post a photo related to your business or products and ask attendees to write a short story about the photo. You can offer a prize to the most creative story.

16. Recipe Challenge

Post a recipe challenge related to your products and ask attendees to share their own recipes. You can offer a prize to the most creative recipe.

17. Show and Tell

Host a show-and-tell session with attendees and allow them to showcase their own favorite products related to your business or products.

18. Mystery Box

Post a photo of a mystery box related to your business or products and ask attendees to guess what's inside. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who guesses correctly.

19. Guess the Price

Post a photo of one of your products and ask attendees to guess

20. Trivia

Trivia is a great way to engage attendees and test their knowledge of your products or industry. Post a question related to your business or products and offer a prize to the first attendee who answers correctly.

21. Spot the Difference

Spot the Difference is a fun game that encourages attendees to pay attention to your product photos. Post two similar product photos with subtle differences and ask attendees to identify the differences. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who spots all the differences correctly.

22. Fill in the Blank

Fill in the Blank is a game that encourages attendees to be creative. Post a sentence related to your business or products with a blank space and ask attendees to fill in the Blank with their own creative answer. You can offer a prize to the most creative answer.

23. Virtual Treasure Hunt

Virtual Treasure Hunt is a game that encourages attendees to explore your Facebook page. Post a clue related to a product or feature on your Facebook page and ask attendees to find it. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who finds the item.

24. Guess Who

Guess Who is a game that tests attendees' knowledge of your team. Post a photo of a member of your team with a clue about their role in the business and ask attendees to guess who the person is. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who correctly guesses the team member.

25. Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday is a game that encourages attendees to engage with your brand history. Post a photo from the early days of your business and ask attendees to guess what year it was taken. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who correctly guesses the year.

26. Survey

A survey is a great way to engage attendees and gather feedback about your products or business. Post a survey related to your products or business and offer a prize to one randomly selected attendee who completes the survey.

27. Poll

A poll is a fun way to engage attendees and gather feedback about their preferences. Post a poll related to your products or industry and ask attendees to vote. You can offer a prize to one randomly selected attendee who votes.

28. Word Scramble

Word Scramble is a fun game encouraging attendees to use problem-solving skills. Post a scrambled word related to your business or products and ask attendees to unscramble the word. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who unscrambles the word correctly.

29. Memory Game

Memory Game is a classic game that challenges attendees to remember and match products. Post a grid of product photos and ask attendees to match the photos. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who matches all the photos correctly.

30. Bingo

Bingo is a fun game that can be adapted to your business or products. Create a bingo card with your products or business-related words and ask attendees to mark off the words as they see them in your posts. You can offer a prize to the first attendee who completes the bingo card.

Including engaging games and activities within your Online Vendor Show postings is an excellent way to make your brand stand out and connect with potential clients. By incorporating fun and interactive elements into your Facebook posts, you can increase engagement, build brand awareness, and create a memorable experience for your attendees. Whether you choose to host trivia contests, word scrambles, virtual treasure hunts, or any of the other games we've mentioned in this post, remember that the key to success is to keep it fun, relevant, and valuable for your audience. So why not give it a try and see how it can benefit you in our Online Vendor Shows?