Make your VIP Group Work for You
Posted 06/23/2022 in #Learn
Make your VIP Group Work for You

Make your VIP Group Work for You

A Simple Formula for using your VIP group to build your Business 

Your VIP group is one of the best tools that you have in your arsenal to keep people up to date on your company and products. Once you do a vendor show or a party, you want an easy way to stay in touch with your guests and continue to build that connection - this is where your VIP group comes into play.

One of the most important things that you need to remember about your VIP group is that you need to give people a reason to join, and a reason to stay. If you are not active and engaging, your VIP group is not going to help you build your business.

If you are anything like me, you probably have a lot going on in your life. It can often seem overwhelming to maintain your VIP group - that is why I have created a simple formula to create your VIP content for a month. This super quick and easy structure, set up at the beginning of each month will ensure that your business is active and keeps working for you, even when life seems to get in the way. Excited to get started? Here’s what you are going to do:

At the beginning of each month, print off a calendar. Plan out 20 posts for the month - 5 each week. This doesn’t mean that you can only have 20 posts. It’s your VIP group, you can put as much or as little as you want in there - but by scheduling at least 20 posts right away for the month, you are creating a foundation to keep your VIP group relevant. 

Each week, you are going to use the same formula to create your scheduled content. Here is what you are going to post in your group each week:

  1. A product post

  2. A game

  3. A personal post

  4. A quote or a graphic

  5. A question

The order of these posts doesn’t matter. You can keep it super structured and do the same type of post the same day and time every week, or you can mix it up. Remember, our purpose here is to make sure that you have content in your VIP group each week to keep the group active and engaged. 

Some things to think about before planning your content:

Do you want to create your posts around a theme? Sometimes your company will have a product or collection that is being featured that pairs nicely with a theme. Maybe there is an upcoming holiday or season that you are really excited about. Maybe there is a special promotion for the month that centers around a certain product. While not needed, sometimes having a theme is an easy way to change things up each month and help provide some structure for your monthly posts. 

Do you have any monthly incentives? Maybe you are doing a mystery hostess event for anyone who purchases this month. Maybe you are offering a prize at the end of the month and guests can win points or ballots for engagement and participation. If you are offering some sort of monthly incentive, make sure you create a post with all the details and pin in to the top of announcements! You will also want to sprinkle in reminders every now and then when creating your content for the month.

Your content - the meat and potatoes

Once you have an idea of what you want to post about, you can start creating your content. Let’s take a look at what you are going to include with each of these posts and the purpose of each post: 

A Product Post: Pick a product and post about it. This is your most informative post of the week. You are educating people on your product and why they need / want it. Don’t be afraid to highlight the same product a couple of times in different ways. Sometimes people need to see things a couple of times before they want to commit. This is probably going to be the post with the least engagement, and that’s okay! Unless customers have questions about the product or know they are interested in it, they are probably not going to comment. Even if they are interested, there is a good chance they will skip commenting altogether and go straight to private messaging you. The purpose of this post is to educate, and you are using your other posts during the week to make sure this post gets seen. 


A game: Everyone loves games! They are fun and such a great way to encourage easy commenting! A common misconception is that when you play a game in your VIP group you must offer a prize - this is not true! You can definitely offer a small prize or maybe even points towards an end-of-the-month draw, but this is not necessary! Most people will be happy to stop in and play just for the fun of it and appreciate the small break in their day. Whenever you can, it’s a good idea to pick games that you can connect back to your company. For example, a word game where the winning word(s) has a connection to a product you are featuring. The purpose of this post is to generate engagement through commenting. It is also a post that shows guests that your VIP group is fun. 

A personal post: Being in network marketing, it is super important to sell yourself as much as you are selling your product. If your company is established, you need to give your customers a reason to shop with YOU over one of the hundreds of other consultants selling the same products. If your company is newer, you need to sell yourself so that customers are willing to give your products a chance. Make sure to share about yourself in your VIP group, get personal.  Give your guests little sneak peeks into what is going on in your life. Show guests how you use your company’s products in your daily life. Share your personal experiences and reviews of a product. Think about it - why would someone else buy a product from you if you don’t buy and use it yourself? The purpose of this post is to build and gain your guests' trust.  

A quote or graphic: Your next post is going to be either a quote or a graphic. Just like with your game, it is awesome if you can find content to share that connects back to your business. For example, I sell children’s clothing and accessories, so I will usually pick quotes or graphics that have to do with having kids or mom life. If you have decided to structure your month around a theme, you may pick quotes or graphics that are connected to that theme. You can also pick motivational quotes that speak to you. In this case, try to provide context about why you picked that particular image to share. You are using this post to connect with your guests. What you choose to share will tell your guests something about you, and how they respond will tell you a little bit about them.  

A question: Open-ended questions are a great way to generate engagement! Alternate between questions that link back to a product/ your company and questions that help you connect or get to know your guests a little better. This or that? Is always an awesome question - you can pick two products or two ideas to compare. Ask guests their opinion on a product or a topic. Ask about weekend plans. There are so many different ways that you can do this, you just want to make sure that whatever you are asking is quick and easy to answer. This is your second engagement post of the week (the first one being your game). The purpose of this post is to generate comments that are going to get guests to come into your VIP group. 

What’s Next?

That’s it, once you create these posts and schedule them you are done creating most of your VIP content for the month! Throughout the month, you will want to layer in promotions, new arrivals and maybe even go live. If there is a product that your members seem particularly interested in, you may want to add a couple more posts that expand on it. Make sure to play around with posting days and times to see when you get the most engagement. 

You might have decided that you don’t want to have a VIP group, and that’s okay too! The important thing when you are using network marketing as a selling strategy is that you need to be active on social media. Plan out these posts for your Facebook wall, Instagram,or whatever platform you are using for networking.

Easy, right? Take a few hours each month to create and schedule 20 posts each month. It is time well spent. Being active on social media and creating engaging content for your guests shows that you value them. You can head over to our VIP Membership to make this easier for you by adding our Social Media Posts and Images to your group.

Now that you have your formula, you are ready to go! It’s time to start planning next month’s content! 

Written By: 

Jennifer Gillap