Posted 01/30/2022 in #Category 1 by Lisa Maree

The Facts About Fragrances!

The Facts About Fragrances!

People ask me.... “Why are your perfumes so inexpensive? How are you able to do it?” 




The answer to all these questions is NO! Here is the real story about the perfume industry... 

When we think of perfumers we think of designer brands such as Chanel, Dior, Gucci or celebrities such as Beyonce, Paris Hilton and David Beckham? But look at their professions... the design houses are fashion designers and the celebrities are singers, sports stars, models, actresses etc. They are not perfumers. 

The origin of the perfumes is actually a fragrance house in Germany, where the factory is located.  With a market share of over 80% they are the largest perfume developers and producers in the world.  This fragrance house develops about 100 different fragrances EACH DAY. THEY design and produce the perfumes that you can find under the names of designer brands. 

How does this work?  Let’s look at an example: 

Chanel is planning to present a new fragrance on the market. They go to the fragrance house and take a look at the new fragrances that have just been produced. They sample a few and decide that the perfume in Vat Number 2079 will be their new fragrance. They order 100,000 litres of the fragrance oil essence from the fragrance house. The essence is then delivered to a factory where they add water and alcohol. They decide to call their new fragrance, Coco Mademoiselle for example. 

A lot of money is spent on the design of the new bottle and the packaging, as well as advertising and glossy magazines, and of course engaging the latest beautiful model or actress on TV to endorse it. They then pay for retail counters in high end stores all over the world, pay for staff to man those counters etc...  All the money spent is recouped by adding costs to each bottle of perfume they sell. Actually producing the perfume is the least expensive part of the process, costing just $8 to $10 a bottle.  

Chanel owns the name Coco Mademoiselle, they own their new bottle design and packaging, and of course the brand name Chanel and the distinctive logo. FM visits the same fragrance house and purchases the same fragrance essence from Vat Number 2079. The question is, is this legal? The answer is YES! The fragrance house own the fragrance.  They created and produced it, and can sell it to whomever they like. Chanel owns the name Chanel, the name Coco Mademoiselle, the distinctive logo, the specially designed bottle and packaging. What they do not own is the actual fragrance. 

FM Perfumes design their own bottle and packaging and give their new fragrance a number, FM 18. Both Coco Mademoiselle and FM 18 are made with the same oils from the same vat at the same fragrance house. 

What are the differences? 

1. FM do not use the name Chanel, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Paris Hilton, etc, etc, etc, as to do so would be to breach copyright. 

2. FM give their fragrances numbers instead of names. 

3. Chanel, Gucci etc, etc, sell their perfume as Eau De Parfum or Eau De Toilette. FM uses a higher concentration of essence, and adds less water and alcohol, which means FM’s perfumes are classed as a true Parfum (rather than an Eau De Parfum), which is stronger and therefore lasts longer. 

4. FM does not spend a lot of money on designing exclusive bottles and packaging 

5. FM does not spend a lot of money on expensive marketing campaigns where celebrities charge millions to endorse perfume. They do business through individual distributors (like me) who have their own business operating from home. This is why you can buy a better quality, longer lasting, identical version of Coco Mademoiselle from me for $21.50 for 50ml instead of $150.00 for 50ml!   

This is why I decided to start selling these products because (and this happens very rarely in life) you are actually getting a much better product for a vastly reduced cost.  By spreading the word about these products and helping people to understand what a huge rip off designer scents are, I can help people save lots of money!!! 

 Message me to see if I have your favourite scent.

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Lisa Maree

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