Cara-Leigh Wallden Cover photo

Cara-Leigh Wallden

Wellness Specialists
Independent Associate at Tranont

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Enhance your beauty, from the inside out

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Tranont Company Logo by Cara-Leigh Wallden in Chilliwack BC
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About Cara-Leigh Wallden

After being used by my doctors as a guinea pig, for decades, suffering 2 nervous breakdowns & coming very close to a psychotic break due to a doctor-endorsed chemical cocktail of 14 medications, I vowed to quit relying on "medications" & find natural alternatives to heal my body & my mind. 

I discovered Tranont in March of this year and have been blown away with the improvements I have been seeing in my health, emotional well-being, and skin condition. I am no longer in agony after every meal, no longer racing to the bathroom several times a day, my chronic tendonitis has gone from a pain level of 9 down to a 2 (in 2 weeks!), my anxiety has subsided drastically, and my skin is aging in reverse! Lines, wrinkles, and sagginess are less noticeable every day. I have some astonishing before and after pictures & testimonials to share with you! 

Since it brings me great joy to help others feel & look better, I am very proud to represent Tranont, a company that provides scientifically proven results through the use of whole food, whole plant nutrition. Our products are gluten-free and, despite the high quality of the ingredients, affordable. 

I look forward to showing you what we have to offer!