Can clothes change lives? We at cabi believe they can. “When cabi was created 20 years ago, what began as a hunch that friendships matter has turned into the belief that friendships are the means to live the lives we were created to live.” Cabi was crafted as a company that puts friendships at the forefront of how and why we do business through the creed of, “affecting lives through relationships.”
Our stylists and our business model create environments and opportunities for these friendships that the world so desperately needs to flourish. We have created a foundation which is a huge part of our overarching belief system, in that lives can be changed when you empower women through Restoration, Vocation and Education.
Dignity is Restored through the gifts of beautiful new clothes admits challenging times.
Small business loans to women entrepreneurs in developing countries, swing open Vocational doors. And…
Education for children in Rwanda, puts their lives on a new trajectory.
Cabi does all this with and because of you!!