Krista Viel Cover photo

Krista Viel

Crafting Specialist
Independent Chalk Couture Designer at Chalk Therapy with Krista

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Live for the day, plan for tomorrow, craft a life you love

Contact Information

Company Name
Chalk Therapy with Krista
Company Logo
Chalk Therapy with Krista Company Logo by Krista Viel in Blind River ON
Online Social Profiles

Company Details

Year Established
Hours of Operation
Accepted Forms of Payments
PayPal and etransfer
I am an artist. I have drawn and painted for over 25 years and have been able to seamlessly blend my chalk couture business in with my love for art.

About Krista Viel

My name is Krista Viel, and I will be your Chalk Couture representative this week. 

I am looking forward to meeting you all, getting to know you and sharing why I love Chalk Couture. Please feel free to reach out and ask questions, I’m happy to help 

Here’s a little info about me…I’m a mom of 2 beautiful little ladies (9 and 5), wife to a fantastic man, he’s my bestie (we just celebrated our 10 year anniversary). 

I’m a part time dietary aide, small business owner, artist and fur momma to 3 dogs and a cat… I know… it’s crazy lol

I have been drawing, painting and crafting since I was big enough to l hold a pencil ✏️ and being an independent Chalk Couture designer fit perfectly into my life.

When asked “why did you become a designer?” It’s simple. I needed something for me. I needed a creative outlet when my brain wouldn’t let me relax.

I was in a bad place in my mind, and usually drawing or painting was my way to release my inner battles but I was struggling with trying to get inspired, I didn’t have time to let my mind wander and be creative and I knew I needed something to pull me out of my funk. 

Then I saw that Chalk Couture was coming to Canada ???????? and I had a spark in my soul again. 

I knew I’d have struggles with trying to run a business, trying to put myself out there to connect with new people because I have always been shy and lacked confidence. Not to mention, I wasn’t sure i could make it work with my kids always in the background ???? 

Once I finally put myself out there and spoke about my business and what I do, I become a happier version of me. I have pride which for me is huge. Did I mention, my kids often chalk with me? 

Yep, they love it too! And they are always trying to join my lives to chalk and show off their work ???? 

Seriously tho, if you happen to watch my lives, you’ll now see my husband and kids showing demos of my products. That’s right, it’s so user friendly, entire family can do it! They are helping me while I heal from a bad neck and shoulder injury. I can’t do to much including creating things with my chalk Bizz but my family has decided to pick it up for me until I get better❤️‍???? .

My chalk bizz has truly helped me come out of my shell. It’s allowed me to bond and connect with my family and friends in ways I couldn’t imagine. I love the that I am always learning, growing and that it helps me to be a better version on myself. 

I absolutely love my company and sharing my passion for it. It truly is my Therapy, it’s my Chalk Therapy.

Please check out my online store and post pictures below of any items you like or that you’d like more information about ☺️

Let’s get Chalk’n

#chalkcouturewithkrista #diy #chalkcouture