LimeLife by Alcone started as a family-owned professional makeup company in 1952 in New York City and the. Alcone store still operates today.
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Fun Fact: We began our business selling stage makeup to professional makeup artists who worked on Broadway. Our makeup has been used in many well known productions such as Lion King, Phantom of the Opera and Star Wars to name a few. The Alcone store still operates the brick and mortar store on Broadway.
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About 10 years ago the owner's daughter decided that because this professional makeup is the best in the world it should be available to the everyday woman. She didn't want it sitting on a self in Ulta or Sephora but wanted woman to share it with other woman. Six years ago they partnered with L'Occitane to launch a natural skincare line because makeup is only as good as the canvas to which it is applied.
We have many professional makeup artist using LimeLife and sharing with their clients. They are a great resource as they provide weekly trainings and support to our community. I love color matching to get women the correct complexion shade of foundation and we have the tools to do this virtually. I'm here to serve all your beauty needs with makeup and skincare.