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Avryl Jeffrey

Wellness Specialists
Indepemdent Associate at Isagenix

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Isagenix Company Logo by Avryl Jeffrey in Little Britain
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About Avryl Jeffrey

Those who know me, know that:
1. I am an extremely picky eater, especially with texture and taste. This limits my food options to a small selection of “safe” foods, making it difficult to get the nutrition I need.
2. I have a HUGE sweet tooth (especially chocolate)!
3. I have a busy career in an elementary school and am always on the go.
Isagenix has helped me with all of these. On school days I have a shake for breakfast that I drink in the car and another one for lunch as I rarely have time to sit down to eat. The shakes fuel my body to get me through busy days and also curb my sugar cravings with amazing flavours – my favourites are chocolate mint and the whole blend Dutch chocolate. I ordered the cookies and cream which I can’t wait to try!
I never skip my glass of ionix supreme in the morning – it helps provide my body with a variety of vitamins and botanicals that help keep my immune system strong and fights the effects of stress, plus it tastes good! 

After using Ionix products for almost a year, I decided to join the company as a consultant so that I can share these amazing products with others.  If you’re ready to say yes to YOU and feel like the best version of yourself, let’s do this together!