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Anita Doyle

Beauty Specialists
Independent Consultant at Seint

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Seint Company Logo by Anita Doyle in Winnipeg MB
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About Anita Doyle

Hello to all you beautiful women! I'm Anita and I'm a 43 yr old woman with 2 children and 2.5 grandchildren. Growing up, like any other teenage girl, I liked makeup but it was never a big part of my day, I didn't have lots, just enough to do the trick and when I say that, I mean I had foundation. I didn't like my face caked with heavy makeup and that's the way it was, wake up, throw on some foundation to try and cover the dark circles under my eyes and the pigmentation I have to the left side of my mouth (I was ALWAYS self conscious about that). Some foundation would cover it a bit and other would but then as the day went on, it didn't last.

About 2 years ago a friend of mine was selling this make up and I would see her post about it all the time on social media, so I watched for a few weeks and then finally messaged her asking for a color match. I mean, what the heck right, I was gonna need foundation anyways and I always just bought whatever was cheapest on the shelves. So, she did and wow! I'm not kidding you when I say, that was it for me, I received my make up in the mail and applied it and I was sold on it. I took before and after pics after my first use and was amazed (can you see the pigmentation in my profile pic? Not really? No?)

 I continued buying my products from her for the last couple years then a couple months ago I just came out and asked her for some information on becoming a rep, at first it was just to because I wanted a discount, I mean I was gonna buy the make up anyways I may as well try to save some money. So she invited me to a virtual bash her team was having for women interested in becoming a rep. Let me tell you, this team of ladies were incredible and I just knew that I wanted to be a part of it. They were so welcoming, supportive and genuinely loved selling the product because they love the product. So here I am and I would love to show you why we all love Seint.

Anita Doyle Specialties