I’m a wife to an amazing man of 30 years, we have 1 fur baby, 2 amazing adult kids, and a grandma of one. I work Full-time but always loved being an entrepreneur and supporting women in Direct Sales.
I am an office supplies junkie, and have spent hundreds of $$ on datebooks that i “thought” would work for what I wanted/needed - but they were always missing something and then I would go out and buy another one a few months later.
I was invited to a virtual party for Tula Xii, I absolutely fell in love with the concept of selecting only the inserts that worked for me to create MY personal Lifestyle planner…needless to say I signed up before the party ended.
Tula Xii was designed to help BUSY people like you have more time on the things that matter most. This isn’t your ordinary datebook. Tula Xii has an easy 1-2-3 step process to let YOU customize a planner that works for your lifestyle.
Tula in Sanskrit = Balance ~ XII (Roman Numeral) = 12
So, basically Tula Xii is going to help you Balance Your Life ALL year long!!!
I look forward to connecting with you and helping you design your own Lifestyle Planner.