Posted 10/08/2022 in Category 1 by Carolyne Falank

Benefits of CBD

Feeling a little wilted?

Think of your Endocannabinoid System (ECS) like a bunch of wilted flowers. Folded down and wilted, the petals cant absorb the nutrients needed to be healthy.

When you take CBD those receptor sites are replenished & slowly heal returning to their original health.  It takes our bodies a long time to get to the "wilted flower stage", and can take time, especially if sick, to get to the "healthy flower stage." 

The biggest mistake I see my customers make  is giving up too soon! We are a "quick fix" world.  We want to pop a pill and "feel" something.  CBD is actually the opposite.  It takes time, with no "I'm healed" moment.  Instead, a realization over time of an absence of your negative symptom(s). 

Time and time again, people reach a point of "OH MY! I feel SO much better." Keep a journal of how you feel day to day. Sometimes the healing sneaks up on you and you forgot how bad it was when you started!  Are you ready?

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