Posted 12/06/2022 in Weight Loss by Blair Bourg

Black Widow by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals

Kingpin Supplements
34.95 In Stock
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  • Extreme Energy for the Hardcore Stimulant Fans
  • Immediate, Sustained, "No Crash" Stimulant Activity

Black Widow® is the newest stimulant product from Hi-Tech (the leaders in diet and energy pills). Black Widow® contains 25mg Thermo-Z™ brand ephedra extract and is designed for extreme energy for the hardcore stimulant fans. Black Widow® is comparable to popular ephedra products that were in every convenience store in America. Black Widow® is easily distinguished by the wicked spider on its capsule, and its over-the-top packaging. Millions of people have enjoyed the effects of ephedra products… now Black Widow® takes energy products to the next level!

Black Widow® will set you on fire from the moment you take it and will be all over you for hours! The "ECA" stack of the 90's is combined with Thermo-RX® (often called the ephedrine imposter) from Senegalia Berlandieri. Black Widow® contains Thermo-Z™ brand ephedra (not banned in any state or by the FDA). If you want a good "kick in the ass" and want to feel great all day, then Black Widow® will not disappoint you. Black Widow® provides wicked energy and will have you coming back for more.

The Most Potent, The Most Intense, Energizer Ever Created!!

While you might not have noticed a difference with other diet or energy pills, you will with Black Widow® by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. Black Widow® Diet & Energy capsules aren't just designed to help you lose weight, but they're also going to help you feel better in the process. With Black Widow® with ephedra, you get the power of ephedra as well as mood-boosting natural ingredients that make your weight loss not only easier on your body, but also on your life.

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Blair Bourg

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