It's considered the Tree of Life & the Miracle Plant.
It's loaded with goodness!
All 9 essential amino acids (essential to the body + to fight free radicals)
92+ cell ready nutrients
36 Anti-inflammatories
46 Anti-oxidants
18 Amino acids (9 of which are essential)
✔️ 7X more vitamin C than oranges
✔️ 4X more calcium than milk
✔️ 4X more vitamin A than carrots
✔️ 3X more potassium than bananas
✔️ 4 1/2X more folate than beef liver
✔️ 25X more iron than spinach
✔️ 7X more vitamin B7 (biotin) than eggs
.Has an ORAC value of 157,000 that's 6x more than goji berries!
So let's ditch all the supplements that this ONE can replace & give you so much more!
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