Hello, Britainie here.
I am with Java Momma, my business name is Jones Coffee Co and I started this journey just over a year ago. I'm 32 and a furmomma to a beautiful long grey-haired cat named Lily. I'm currently own both Jones Coffee Co (with Java Momma) and Britainie's Boutique (with Tate and Zoey). I truly enjoy both! I meet so many amazing people through these vendor events and I get to share some of my favorite things I love with new customers. Java Momma is unique in many ways! Our core coffees and teas are gluten free and allergen free! We offer many flavors, non flavored, decaf, and even different grains to brew at your preference. The love all of my team mates, through both companies, is what keeps me going. Both have huge support systems and genuinely love helping each other meet goals. I started my journey simply as way to enjoy the products myself but I've stayed because sharing it with new people and seeing their excitement too makes it that much better!!
Core coffee and tea lines are gluten free, dairy free, soy free, allergen free and come in nonflavored and flavored... View More