About me: I currently live in Northern Virginia and I have a fabulous husband! We have two beautiful babies, a 10 year old and a 2 year old! I work full time as a Data Analyst, but my part time job is to share a clean-crafted lifestyle with as many people as I can!
My back story: I was born and raised in Houston, Texas, When I turned 21, as most people do, I started to explore all the different types of alcohol and I landed on becoming a total wine-o, my favorite wines Barefoot Sweet Red, Barefoot Moscato, and Menage a Trois red wine! Flash forward a few years and my love of wine, turned into dread when every time I had a few glasses I would start feeling terrible, the headaches were the worst!
Introducing Scout & Cellar; one of my best friends held a tasting and the hostess was explaining that in mass produced wines, like the ones I enjoyed sooo much, wine makers are able to add over 175 different toxic pesticides, between 16-30g of added sugars, and all sorts of different chemicals to make sure that your wine has the exact same flavor every time you open a bottle. Well that really opened my eyes! Why would I want to volunteer to put these chemicals into my body, no wonder I feel terrible!
Guys, your wine is NOT supposed to taste the exact same every time! Does a strawberry taste the exact same every time you buy them? NO! Scout & Cellar grapes are grown and tested for all of these pesticides! Wines are produced WITHOUT artificial processing aids or ingredients! and Wines are tested to ensure sulfites are never more than 100 parts per million!