Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Results

Isagenix Independent Distributors Results

Amanda Hurren

I been with Isagenix for also two month and I have lost 7 lbs since using Isagenix!!! I love helping others to find their journey whatever that may be!!!! 

Avryl Jeffrey

Those who know me, know that: 1. I am an extremely picky eater, especially with texture and taste. This limits my food options to a small selection of

Beth McLaughlin

Momma of 2, grand momma of 4- sharing products I love with people who want and need balance and simplicity in their every day life.

Cindy Corabi

I am a certified, holistic health coach. My passion is to empower/ educate others to feel and look their best and earn an income in this field if desired.

jackie Brown

I love helping people with health and wellness. That of course covers a lot of things. I specialize wellness with Isagenix products which I love

Janet Woods

I share a lifestyle of healthy living and aging through nutritional and personal products.

Jennifer Friaglia

Wife, mother, health educator, fitness instructor and transformation coach who’s passion is to assist others in looking and feeling their best from the inside out.

Terri Turner

I can be considered a bit of a jack of all trades! I love helping others feel good both inside and out!